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Mr John Clifford

Developed eczema in my late thirties, the only cure was sunshine. I was subsequently diagnosed with asthma and my Beclazone (steroid) inhaler also keeps both allergies in some control.

  1. Hi , and thanks for sharing your story here with the community in the forums section. I am glad to hear this medication treatment has helped to control both asthma and eczema. How are you feeling nowadays, in general?
    Leon L (author/moderator

    1. Hello. I get a burning itching rash in the abdominal area every year around October and it is much less severe during the spring and summer months. I’ve never had asthma, but there is a strong history of asthma in my mother’s family. I’ve been to several dermatologists and have tried the usual ointments and am still experiencing symptoms. Any thoughts?

      1. Hi Clovis, and thanks for sharing this with the community. If, after visiting dermatologists, you are still not getting relief, clearly - there is a missing accurate diagnosis. Would you consider seeing an allergist for the itching rash that you are experiencing in the fall?
        What do you think?
        Leon L (author/moderator

      2. Hi. I echo Leon's suggestion that it might be worth seeing an allergist, especially if the dermatologists aren't sure of the cause. You may want to stop by our sister site,, to see if they have any resources or similar experiences to share. I hope you can get to the bottom of this soon! Keep us updated if you can. -Melissa, asthma team

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