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My child is having frequent nightmares and a constant stuffy/clogged nosesince taking Alvesco?

She has been having nightmares every night like they are intense. She is crying and she gets angry at me in her dreams and I try to calm her down by talking to her in a calm way and she thinks I am talking to her in her dream. Has anyone experienced this ? Please help.

  1. Hi there, I"m so sorry to hear that your daughter is experiencing horrible nightmares. This must be so scary for her (and you)! Have these nightmares started directly after starting the medication Alvesco? Perhaps there is another medication your doctor can suggest that may work better for her without the side effects. Have you had a chance to discuss this with your doctor? I hope that a community member can respond with helpful comments regarding this situation. Wishing you and your daughter all the best, Lauren (Team member)

    1. Thank you for your reply. I will be discussing it with her doctor. It has been very scary something I noticed too is that as soon as she uses her inhaler she starts sneezing and gets congested.

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