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Rubber legs

Why do my arms & legs feel so weak after an asthma attack?
I seriously feel like I've got rubber for legs.

  1. Hi Veronica, and thanks for your post and question - the question is a good one!
    You may be aware that asthma affects everyone differently. As well, the symptoms associated with this disease can vary considerably from patient to patient.
    I put together some reference material for you to look over at your convenience, which focuses on this aspect of asthma.
    First, this one, on the symptoms which are characteristic of asthma:
    Next, any of these articles, which speak to asthma and fatigue:
    And finally, these articles which zero in on unusual symptoms related to asthma:

    I had another thought, too. Sometimes, for some people, there can be a lengthy recovery period following an exacerbation, or flare-up. This too can be different for every patient. This article, on that very topic, may be of interest to you, too:
    I do hope you find this information is helpful in a practical way.
    Enjoy the weekend!
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Thank you for the info & support. I'll get to reading asap.

    2. Hi again, Veronica - I'm glad to hear you plan on looking over this material. In view of the information you shared with us here, I think you will find the information provided in the articles is helpful to know.
      Warm regards,
      Leon (site moderator

  2. Oh yeah, I experienced some fatigue after my exacerbation today. It was rough, I slept a lot. I'm doing better now though, and I hope you are too 😀

    1. I hope you are giving your body enough time and compassion to rest and get better 😀 You deserve it! -Corinne, moderator

    2. I do that when I need to and stuff

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