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Salmeterol Muscle Pain

Does anyone believe that salmeterol has caused lower back pain? I believe mine started around the time I switched to a combo steriod/ salmeterol inhaler.

  1. Interesting question Shannon. I hope that a member of the community here can give you their honest feedback. How long have you been using this inhaler -Lauren (team member)

    1. Hi. Welcome to our community. Thank you for initiating this discussion—it's a question that others in our community have asked before. Salmeterol is a long-acting bronchodilator that, when used alongside inhaled steroids, helps keep airways open over the long term and effectively manages asthma. Muscle cramping is generally not considered a common side effect of either of these medications, as you can see here ( However, there may be a small chance of this happening if you are receiving a higher dose of steroid in the inhaler. Is this a topic you have discussed with your asthma doctor? John. community moderator.

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