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What does self care look like to you when contending with asthma and other conditions? Share your self care tips below!
Rebecca C Moderator & Contributor
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This is such a great question. It looks so different for everyone who manages their comorbidities. I tend to sleep a lot when bothered by mine, and at times I fail to eat right and get enough exercise. I am learning to switch this around and eat better, exercise more, along with getting enough sleep and respite. Meditation and yoga help with keeping me centered as well as eat balanced meals and snacks, and take mental health breaks as well as social self-care holidays so as to not wear me too thin or deal with toxicity in relationships and find the caring and sharing individuals in my life. I also search for support when needed the most - something I've fallen short of doing in the past. So very curious to read about others' self-care practices and principles. Rebecca (community moderator)
anonymous-19 Member
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One day at a time!
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Moderator & Contributor
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By the way, I see you are a new member here, having joined yesterday, later in the evening. We are glad to see you already engaging with the community through this, your first post. I do hope to continue conversing with you if you are so inclined.
All the best,
Leon (site moderator
Mrazzey Member
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Taking the time to understand what I need to manage my condition and following up to do it.
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Moderator & Contributor
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I think this is the right approach - the more one knows about their disease, in this case, asthma, the better able they will be to manage it in concert with a physician.
I believe it was (also) you that posted (elsewhere on our platform), that you were struggling with a flare up. (for ease of reference, here is a link to that comment: I see my colleague,
All the best,
Leon (site moderator
Libra2684 Member
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Understanding all of my health issues & keeping them within my control.
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Moderator & Contributor
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Keep up the good work!
Leon (site moderator
Rebecca C Moderator & Contributor
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