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Showers and Baths

After I take a long hot shower or bath, I can get very short of breath. Most of the time sitting on the edge of the bath helps, but sometimes I need to sit on the floor to get my breath back.
My dog

  1. Hi - thank you for sharing how you manage your shortness of breath (SOB), when showering. Have you thought about using your rescue inhaler prior to, and/or immediately after showering? That very well may help with the SOB you are feeling during this hygienic activity. Do you have a rescue inhaler prescribed for you?
    (By the way, that is a very cute doggie!)
    All the best,
    Leon L (author/moderator

    1. Yes, even taking a quick bath affects my breathing. Taking a shower is much worse.

      1. hello! thanks for joining the conversation. When it comes to bathing, there can be lots of triggers. The steam from hot water, mold in the bathroom, scents from soaps and shampoo, harsh cleaning chemicals and more. Have you been able to identify any of these triggers? ~ Lorene, site moderator

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