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Sneezing with Lung conditions

I don't know which lung related condition this applies to or maybe all of them but I had a brilliant idea a few years ago or a brilliant conclusion and I want to know if anyone else experiences this and might agree with me or come up with another suggestion.

I'm pretty old and know what it's like to sneeze normally and try to cover your nose to stop the sneeze and try not to sneeze at all and so on. A few years ago- I don't really have any idea when it started but I've had asthma for about 30 or so years and this new sneezing of mine would have started quite a bit after that. I no doubt ignored it; I know my husband has said a couple of times he's heard it 'why can't you keep it down?' or 'do you have to sneeze so loud?' that sort of thing.

All of a sudden I will sneeze and I don't have time to try to stop it and it comes out very loud and projected and it took me a while to figure out what it felt like and that is the lungs pushing out the air it normally can't get rid of.

Fortunately it has never happened in a restaurant or in a store or God forbid, in Church or any place other than home. It just happened now while sitting at my desk and it reminded me to make this new topic.

Has this happened to anybody else and do you feel like I do about it being a benefit in helping us to release carbon dioxide or whatever it is we can't exhale due to our disease?

I can sneeze normally altho I don't often - that would be an allergy or something just giving me a reaction to something. But when this other sneeze happens it's VERY loud like it's the lungs forcing air out. Because there is no other reason for the sneeze - I wasn't sniffing anything, There is no dust in the air, nothing here that I'm allergic to but all of a sudden this big giant loud sneeze that's impossible to control. I can't explain better than that.

  1. Hi - thank you for sharing your story. You;ve done a great job explaining these episodes you are having. You've had quite a journey and we appreciate your honesty with the community regarding this topic. I can relate to this due to the fact I have, at times, a very sudden and forceful sneeze that rattles people's brains when nearby. I never really thought about it in the way you are questioning in this post. I don't think it was related to my asthma. When this occurs, I have not noticed anything that would cause me to suddenly sneeze - no wheezing, no allergies, etc. But the forcefulness of it can empty my lungs of air and/or phlegm. It just seems like either something shifted in my sinuses or a smell or taste set it in motion. From what I understand, sneezing is a protective reflex to nasal irritation. If it is retractable and is a chronic issue, I would, if possible, discuss your episodes with a physician and see if there is a connection between sudden sneezing and asthma. Until others chime in I hope this helps you to know I have sudden exploding sneezes that can rattle and disrupt any room I'm in - you are not alone. I am hoping to read others' experiences with sudden and loud sneezing. Regards ~ Rebecca (community moderator)

    1. I also have VERY forceful sneezes ( my husband ca hear them when he's outside!) I started with these before I was diagnosed with asthma. I resisted sneezing hard once, that I ruptured a disc in my back. Never again! I just let them go, not worth the risk!

      1. Oh my gosh, Betsy!!! That is up there with cracking ribs from coughing. Awful. I sincerely hope you had good care and have gone on to recover. I, too, am an explosive sneezer -- my theory is that we might as well just let them go. Thank you for contributing to this conversation with your unfortunate, but honest, tale. -Melissa, asthma team

    2. My sneezes are so loud you would think the Earth shakes. I really can’t control how loud my sneezes are but I am always being told to be more quiet when I sneeze. My sneezes come on so suddenly they scare people. My dad was a loud sneezer too. I have lots of allergies so unfortunately I sneeze frequently.

      1. Hi there, thanks for commenting here. Sneezes are so personal. Some people sneeze loud and some people sneeze silently. What allergies do you have? -Lauren (team member)

    3. Well nobody has indicated they think it's the lungs forcing air out. Rebecca, I could ask my Pulmonary doctor but I think I know him well enough to know that he'd say 'it's probably just a sneeze but it COULD be what you say ha ha.' Nevertheless, it does clear out forcefully something - and that is air of some kind - so next time you sneeze like that, everybody, think about whether it feels like the lungs did that. I know it's not the nose - doesn't the force come from the lungs? Or would it be the diaphragm??? And still it's helping move bad air out isn't it? Well - something to think about.

      1. I totally agree that a sneeze is related to the air within the chest and/or it may be more forceful due to the amount of air sucked in (???) prior to the sneeze.

        Here's a good description of a sneeze - referring a sneeze has 2 phases, the 2nd which includes the lungs. It's from a blog site on a Texas ENT and Allergy practice. Hope it helps take the question out of the forced sneeze 😁

        Best of wellness - Rebecca (community moderator)

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