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Struggling with Asthma and COPD

I am so used to doing things myself and I really don't have the money to pay people to help me. I work but have a hard time. I get ss but it's not enough to live on. I live alone. I am divorced. Both my kids moved out. One got married and the other is getting married next Sept. It's hard living alone with asthma and COPD. My boyfriend works and does not live close to me, so he can only help on weekends. He has his own home and two grown kids who still live with him. I wish he could live here with me but I have no room for his son too. He wants a place too, in case anything happened to me or him. He is 4 years younger than me. I want to have my own place in case too but every year gets harder taking care of it. My kids work and have no time to help me. I want to call my town for free help but am reluctant.

  1. - Thank you for being here in the community. I can't imagine how all of this is affecting you. I am sorry you are lacking support around you that is desperately needed. Allowing someone to help, especially, strangers, can be tough to ask for. But, as things become more difficult to manage, a good way to support yourself is to advocate for yourself. Ask for the help. There's no shame there. Call the town office and see if there are programs out there to help you manage. They should be able to provide you with assistance such as information on financial aid, utility aid, home-delivered meals, transportation services, and even possibly healthcare resources or safety and security options. Your state should also have a government site to offer programs, as well.

    I support you! I am glad you turned to our community - we are here to listen, support, and offer up ideas by sharing our experiences. Sharing your experience here helps others know they are not alone - and gives them the courage to seek help for themself. Please circle back and keep us apprised. If there is anything we can help with - just ask and we can see if there is a way to help. Wishing you well - Thoughtfully, Rebecca (team member)

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