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This is new to me!!

This is new to me. I’ve never had an asthma attack while I was at the beach, but I was at the beach in Cape Cod yesterday. It was a beautiful day, but kind of windy. By the time I got home I was coughing. It was a very harsh cough. I had two treatments with my nebulizer and I still feel terrible. Still have the cough after taking a little break from the nebulizer and will do 2 more treatments. I guess if it doesn’t break by this afternoon, I’ll have to go to the ER. At Cape Cod they do not have a patient first outpatient place here.
Has anyone else ever had an asthma attack going to the beach?

  1. Oh no, this sounds awful. How are you feeling now Cathi? I do hope that the second round of nebulizers have helped you to feel better! Please let us know. -Lauren (team member)

    1. 2full treatments & I was good to go! Vacation not usual attacks ( which do not happen often) are environmental like new carpeting,fresh paint & stronge cleaning supplies I call every where I tend to be; bus stops, airports especially the air line I am flying I call hotels etc& of course my nebulizer is always with me when I travel thank you for asking

      1. Glad to hear you are doing better -- and that you were able to enjoy the rest of your vacation. I live near a beach, and notice that it does act as an asthma trigger for me. As it is windy, you may have inhaled dusts that triggered your asthma. Another potential cause is humidity or mold near the water. Another potential cause is bacteria in the water that can become aerosolized and inhaled. I actually think the later is what triggers my asthma, although there's no way to know for sure. Still, like you, I manage and don't let it ruin the fun. In fact, I was just on the beach all day yesterday -- just made sure to bring along my inhaler. Are you still on vacation? John. community moderator.

    2. John, sadly waved good to Cape Cod but I am planning my next trip-San Antonio Texas to enjoy “ fair well tour #4” with my sisters 1who is surviving cancer( she is so strong!!)All is good as the 5 of us now know how precious life with each other is.Please no tears for her but a good hardy laugh is always welcome 🤗

      1. Life is certainly precious. Glad to hear you have another vacation scheduled. Enjoy! John. community moderator

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