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Severe Asthma Attack Out of Seemingly Nowhere? Anyone else have this experience?

Has this happened to anyone else? I was following my medication regimen, I hadn't needed my albuterol in weeks. But for some reason, this past Monday (08/12), at 10:30 at night I was hacking up a lung and just really not feeling well in that regard. I had some lower body aches, but no fever and no other symptoms, it was one of the strangest things. This was a really bad attack too. I broke out in hives earlier that day too. That was new for me.

It persisted into the next day. I had to go to to urgent care. I had to leave work early. It was really catastrophic. I received a breathing treatment and a prescription for oral steroids. This came out of nowhere and I feel defeated in a way. I was wondering if anyone else had this experience.

Sometimes when I feel alone in asthma I like to reach out to the community here to see if anyone has had any similar experiences.

  1. Hello - wow! It seems like you came into contact with a trigger/allergen, new or old, and you reacted severely. Your nighttime asthma attack may have been a late asthmatic response to this allergen. Have you considered keeping a journal? Have you left a message for your physician? This could help you decipher triggers and severity. It would also help your physician monitor your chronic disease process. I know my asthma is very well controlled with my medication regimen year round, but when I come into contact with an allergen, say cats or horses, I will instantly have a severe attack, medication or not, with urticaria. I know these are triggers so I do my best to avoid them at all costs. When it does happen I am reminded that I let down my guard and have forgotten my avoidance plan. I do hope others chime in and help you. So sorry you feel so defeated right now. Hopefully, it will pass and you'll go about your days as usual. We are here for you. Thoughtfully, Rebecca (team member)

    1. Thanks for clarifying for me. Asthma is so specific to each of us. We all feel our symptoms in different ways. Thanks again! -Lauren (team member)

    2. Yeah definitely!

  2. I thought it was only me just in my head. Thank you, I know I'm in the right place. I too share with this experience. Glad i am here.

    1. You are definitely not alone in this community. Many of us here have had similar experiences to what describes above. How is your asthma doing today? John. community moderator.

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