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Does anyone else tremble with asthma inhalers? People are starting to notice and comment on it.

  1. Hi. Welcome to our asthma community. Great question that you ask here. Trembling (Tremors) are actually a common side effect of various asthma medicines. I personally experience tremors, especially when I use my rescue inhaler a lot or if I am on systemic steroids (such as during flare-ups). I wrote an article on this topic a while back explaining why this happens. I will post a link to it here if you'd like to read up on it ( What asthma inhalers are you currently using? How long have you been dealing with asthma? John. community moderator.

    1. I have had asthma since my early thirties- so over forty years. I take Fostair twice a day and a new inhaler (which is for copd) plus steroids when my peak flow drops too low.

      1. Okay. Thank you for the update. So you have quite an extensive amount of asthma experience. Are your tremors new since you started your current inhalers? Or have they been around for a while? John. community moderator.

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