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What's your favorite asthma-friendly summer activity?

Summer is typically a time for outdoor activities and soaking up the sun, but for those with asthma it can be full of triggers.
What asthma-friendly activities do you have planned this summer? Do you have any tips for staying safe while still enjoying the outdoors?

  1. - It seems this summer and the heat wave have crushed our plans this summer. With Mother's and Father's Day as well as the 4th of July just past, we planned on being outdoors as much as possible. But these holidays were diverted indoors, which was a disappointment. I had the table, chairs, and the gazebo set for lounging and conversation. We ended up in the living room crammed on the couch and chairs. I hope the extreme weather events ease and we can enjoy the outdoors a bit more. Although I am in our pool quite a bit, but it feels more like bathwater than cool and refreshing. Arizona's heat is quite harsh. I am interested in hearing what others are planning. Great topic. Rebecca (team member)

    1. We live in the South and have mostly been indoors or somewhere air conditioned. I walk on an indoor track at a local rec center. But, some days we’ve had grandkids over and been able to enjoy water play in the shady part of our backyard with them. I still love summer, and my asthma and related issues have mostly settled down for the moment, so I’m not complaining.

      1. Thanks for sharing how you are able to stay active in the summer. I'm glad that you are able to 'beat the heat' and walk indoors. I'm happy to hear that your asthma seems to be under control recently. Enjoy the summer. -Lauren (team member)

    2. When the heat and humidity are down, I love being on my back porch. Otherwise, my favorite is inside AC!

      1. The heat and humidity can be so rough in the summer! I hope the weather breaks for you to sit outside on your back porch and enjoy the summer outside. Thanks for sharing. -Lauren (team member)

      2. Oh yes, the back porch is a favorite of mine as well, weather permitting. Lately, I've been enjoying the cool air conditioning though. I certainly hope this heat dome begins to dissipate; many are suffering. Thanks for sharing your experience. I bet many would love to be sitting out back on the porch. Regards, Rebecca (team member)

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