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Why do I just cough and cough and all the air I catch is coughed right back out

My symptoms are coughing so much little air goes through then to get a breath I take inhaler wait do second dose then all of a sudden a lot of mucus comes from throat and nose. What's this and why?

  1. Hi there! Thanks for starting this conversation. I can only speak from a patient's perspective, but I have some of the same experiences. I find when I am super tight and coughing, when my rescue medication opens up my lungs more I may end up bringing up mucus. This especially happens when I am super flared up and my mucus production is really increased. I would definitely bring this up to your physician as well as they might have some suggestions! Wishing you well. -Corinne, moderator

    1. This was me yesterday and last night. My asthma has generally improved greatly over the last year, but yesterday I was coughing all day and it only got worse when I was in bed. Finally around midnight I dusted off my rescue inhaler, then coughed up a lot of mucus for the next hour. This morning I am much better.

      1. Hi otter, and thanks for lending your own support and encouragement here. We also appreciate you sharing your own personal experience managing this disease with the community.
        It sounds like you may not have needed the rescue inhaler for some time ('dusted off my rescue inhaler...'😉 I am glad to hear that, based on this recent episode, the inhaler seems to have been very effective. It's good to hear, also, that you are much better today.
        Keep up the good work!
        Leon (site moderator

    2. I've come to think of it as working the other way 'round (though it may not actually run that way):
      First my respiratory system starts exuding mucus; then it causes that insistent cough seemingly from the throat (not as bad as yours though); then once I've sat up and used my blue puffer I notice that my nose is running and my eyes are watering.
      This happens to me only at night, and only occasionally. But I keep my puffer by my bed so I can use it as soon as I get that little cough from the throat.
      The only time I've had coughing paroxysms like yours ("omigod when will I stop coughing and get a chance to use my puffer!?!?!"😉 was when I had croup a few years ago.

      1. Something I typed added an emoticon in my reply. Hmph.

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