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Juggling the Pharmacy Stuff

None of my asthma inhalers "align" anymore - never mind my other prescriptions. One is 2 puffs a day and has 60 puffs, one is 3 puffs a day and has 120 puffs, another is 3 puffs a day and has 200 puffs, and one is 2 puffs as needed, so, GOOD LUCK TO ME. Then we have the as-needed nebs and prednisone, a random one-off refill is given "just in case", the pills in 3-week packs, the pills in 100-day intervals, and the steroid nasal spray I take when I feel I need it.

Sometimes I can manage to pick up 2 or 3 prescriptions at a time, but other times I feel like I'm in and out of the pharmacy and its phone system, or website, like a revolving door!

Juggling doctors and prescriptions

Further complicating my prescriptions/refills situation is that I switched to a new family doctor 4 months ago, having seen my previous family doctor 5 months ago who gave me 6 months of prescriptions, and my asthma specialist also fills some prescriptions when needed. Given that none of my prescription renewals ever match up, whenever I hit 0 refills on something from my former family doctor, I have to call the pharmacy or my new doctor's office for a refill, as they cannot simply fax (yes, FAX) the old doctor anymore because she is no longer practicing here.

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Fortunately, the solution here was pretty straightforward. Aside from my ADHD medication (which has other safeguards and technicalities related to its prescribing and dispensing), formerly dispensed by a specialist, who also left the province, that will now be prescribed by my new family doc, I simply got him to renew everything except that and my nebules for the time being. Just to keep my midnight refill train on track since I cannot call the pharmacy at midnight and speak to someone for a refill they have to fax elsewhere, but if it is on file from the right prescriber I can pop it into the online system.

Because, for whatever reason, I feel like 12 AM is my most common time to request prescription refills!

Technology helps... but only to a point

Do not get me wrong, the ability to see and manage prescription refills most of the time on the pharmacy's website, from my phone, has been a game-changer for the last several years that has been an option. It helps a lot, but there still has to be a better way to manage refilling prescriptions. I have been doing this for 13.5 years and still trip up and end up refilling something or the other too late at times, or the system has a glitch and tells me I am ineligible for a refill when I am, causing needless confusion (especially where it comes to my ADHD medication). I could resolve some of this with auto-refill, but--back to the prescriptions I need never syncing when I run out--I don't know that this will help minimize trips to the pharmacy--and since I have ADHD and don't have to initiate it, I will likely forget it's there anyway!

Prescription management is one of those things that really adds to the chaos of managing chronic illnesses--especially when you're juggling 6 daily medications, 3 "sometimes" meds, and 2 "just in case" ones!

Multiple asthma prescriptions

How do you manage to keep your asthma prescription refills...manageable? Does your pharmacy have tools to help you do this?

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