Living With Asthma Before Inhaled Steroids

I was diagnosed with allergic asthma when I was 12 years old. I believe puberty brought it on and that estrogen affects asthma for women. Back in the 70’s, when I was diagnosed, treatment was largely bronchodilators. For me, bronchodilators were of limited use. I would struggle to breathe but had no wheezing. Most doctors, especially then, would not consider labored breathing without wheezing, asthma.

I was in the hospital as a college student with a doctor insisting I was ok because I was not wheezing. I was laboring for breath-- it is a horrible feeling. Cortisone or prednisone would not be prescribed in those days unless you were wheezing. Finally, they did a gas blood test, and said: "yes, something is wrong".

Finally prescribed inhaled steroids

Long story short, when asthma was finally treated as an inflammatory disease and inhaled steroids were used, it was life-changing for me. I found a doctor who was aware of the new medications and he prescribed them for me. My asthma is now well controlled with Breo and Singulair.

Find a doctor who understands your asthma

I avoid allergens such as cats and dogs (no, putting them in another room does not work and yes, I do like animals). Thank you Dr. Arthur Hammer in Brooklyn, NY for listening and for changing my life. Thanks all for listening to me. I understand completely those that have doctors who don’t understand asthma. Keep changing doctors until you find the one who gets it.

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