I've Been Able To Significantly Reduce My Severe Asthma Symptoms!

About 20 years ago I was diagnosed with severe asthma by a leading North American Asthma clinic. After being diagnosed, I tried various natural remedies, hoping for a natural solution. Nothing seemed to work.

About a year ago, after having decided to drink more water (it was easy for me to fall much short of the recommended number of glasses), I had days go by without symptoms. Almost as soon as I noticed this, symptoms returned, but I later thought that if it helped, it should help some more in the longterm. So I drank 3 liters diligently every day. Over weeks and months, my symptoms began to ease.

I added some other natural measures, including certain vegetable juices. If you would like to know more details, there is a Facebook group specifically on natural remedies. Now, I feel I have only a tinge of asthma left. I know asthma is a difficult and intractable condition, but I feel so relieved and thankful.

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