How to Use Spiriva Respimat
One day when starting a new Spiriva Respimat inhaler, I thought back to many years ago when I first started using this inhaler device, and how it was the first inhaler and my doctor actually showed me how to put it together. Well, then I did not have to put it together again for several weeks and I was not sure if I was doing it right! It turns out you have to apply a lot of force and make quite a bit of noise.
So I figured a "some assembly required" video might be of use to those new to using the Respimat device! If you need help, your pharmacist is a great resource to help with questions like this when you cannot wait for an appointment with a doctor or asthma educator!
Always ask a healthcare professional if you have questions about your medications or inhaler devices! Not all inhalers are the same.
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