Hello - I certainly hope your sinus surgery assists in managing your upper respiratory struggles, namely asthma and infections. I've had 2 sinus surgeries in the distant past. It has helped me a good deal! I believe it put less stress and strain on my lungs struggling to bring in oxygen and clean air, considering my sinus passages were 99% clogged.
"Most, but not all, healthy persons breathe through the nose unless exercising. The resistance to breathing of the nose is about twice that of the mouth and nearly half the total resistance of the airways. The disadvantage of this is offset by the advantage obtained by the air-conditioning and filtering activities of the nose, which warm, moisten, and filter the air before it comes in contact with the delicate respiratory regions of the lungs." Breathing through the nose is seen as a "filter" and if compromised may decrease or cause dysfunction of the lungs ability to work correctly.
I hope others chime in and offer up their experiences. This is a welcome topic, especially since allergy season is upon us and irritants are plaguing many. Sending you healing thoughts. Warmly - Rebecca (team member)