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Asthma Increase , Summer of 2021

Has anyone else experienced an increase in asthma attacks and flare ups this summer ?

I've had asthma and allergies since I was a toddler and took allergy shots for 20 years. As a senior, I have been able to manage issues with an inhaler and nebulizer. Not this summer. From June through today, I've been short of breath almost daily. I was prescribed Advair, and chose to use the generic, Wixela, because it was $100 cheaper. It really hasn't seemed to help much. I see my Dr. this Thursday and we'll have another discussion on how to manage this.

Any thoughts or comments are appreciated

  1. Hi Gary and thanks for your post. While I'm hopeful others in the community will see your post and respond by sharing their own personal experiences, I, too, have something to add.
    Anecdotally, patients I have seen and comments I have read here on our community website, have supported your comment. This summer, with the high heat, humidity, and even the atmospheric changes from the wild fires out West have, in fact, caused discomfort for many with asthma. I have seen several patients who have expressed the same concerns.
    Please do check back and let us know how the doctor visit goes for you.
    Good luck!
    Wishing you well,
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Hi, Gary. As Leon's post shows, you are definitely not alone in having a tough time this summer. You are making the right choice by going to see your doctor -- perhaps a change to your medication routine will be helpful in getting you breathing a little better. My fingers are crossed! Let us know what you find out. -Melissa, team

      1. Thinking of you today and hoping it goes well at the doctor. Let us know how it turns out. I keep hearing similar stories to yours, so I don't think it's just you. Leon made some good points about the possible atmospheric causes - certainly something to think about.
        Lyn (site moderator

        1. Thanks for your concern. My lungs sound clear, and I am to continue on Advair. I have an appointment with my Pulmonary Doctor w/ a lung function test at the end of the month. I'm hoping the cooler temps help, too !

        2. Well good luck with the pulmonary function test and the visit to the pulmonologist. I'm hoping the same about the cooler temps - fall can be such a great time of year for those of us with asthma.
          Lyn (site moderator

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