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Best (or any) cities / rural areas good for severe asthma / allergies

My roommate has severe asthma / allergies. We just moved to the coast in the PNW, on the beach - and he still has trouble. Probably due to scotch broom, a PNW weed. We are prepared to move to the desert, or to Alaska - off-grid if necessary! Online lists are contradictory. Does anyone live in a truly low-allergen town or rural area? Thanks!

  1. Hi Scooby Doo, and welcome! I see you are a new member here having joined only a couple of hours ago. We are glad to see you already becoming engaged with the community by posting your concern in the forums section.
    I am hopeful others in the community will see your inquiry and respond by sharing their own personal anecdotal experiences related to asthma and where they live.
    In the meanwhile, I thought you might gain some additional insight from these articles which focus on this very topic.
    First, this one, entitled 'where to live':
    And next, this article, which speaks to the worst places for allergies:
    I do hope you find the information is helpful for you in a practical way.
    Wishing you well,
    Leon (site moderator

    1. that's a great question! The environment we live in can make a huge difference in asthma symptoms. I also agree that online lists can be quite contradictory and each person's triggers are unique - cold may bother one, but heat another person, etc. I can tell you one place that is not the greatest for allergies though - right where I live! The Ohio Valley area (e.g. Southern Indiana, Kentucky) is notoriously awful for allergens, so if that's a trigger I would stay away from my neck of the woods 😀 your roommate is lucky to have someone who cares so much about his health and well-being! -Corinne, moderator

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