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Can I have an asthma attack and a panic attack at the same time?

I think I had an asthma attack and a panic attack at the same time yesterday. I was feeling very anxious about something. I have already not been feeling well. I think that I had a panic attack which very quickly triggered an asthma attack, so I had to go through both of them at the same time. I called the online nurse line on my insurance card and talked to a nurse until I felt better. She never answered my question above though. Was it both? I struggled to breathe, my heart was pounding and fluttering, I was scared, jittery, anxious, coughing...I guess I just want to know, so I can better help myself get through it next time if they occur at the same time again.

  1. It sounds like what you dealt with was scary and confusing as well. Asthma attacks and panic attacks can sometimes present in a similar manner, which often can lead to some confusion. To further complicate things, if someone is having an asthma attack this can lead to panic. I'm linking an amazing article that discusses this similarities and differences of the two. Let us know what you think. -Lauren (Team member)

    1. Thank you for your reply and for sharing the article. It was helpful. I appreciate it.

      1. So sorry you went through this! It's hard enough to go through just one, let alone both at the same time. Did you use your inhaler or other medication during the attack? In the future, try to pay attention to what your breathing is like. Can you take a deep breath if you focus? Generally, we tend to take short, shallow breaths when we are panicking ... trying to slooooow down, relax your shoulders and breathe deeply can help regulate the body. Asthma attacks might be like more of a burning feeling, irritation in your throat, coughing, wheezing. And, as you've seen, both can happen together. And asthma medicines can make you feel jittery! So it's important to have a plan for each kind of attack, beginning with treating your asthma symptoms. It was a great idea to call the nurse line. Have you had panic attacks before? If you have them often, it might be worth talking to your doctor and/or trying out counseling. We're here for you. -Melissa, team member

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