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Has anyone tried different types of inhalers?

Which ones worked best for you!!

  1. Hi again, - it's nice to see you still engaged with the community. I recall the last we spoke here, it was late winter / early spring. I like your question - I always find it interesting to hear from other (fellow) asthmatics when they share what medication regimen works best for them.
    From my own experience, I currently maintain a rescue inhaler (albuterol), and use the Advair Diskus 100/50 twice a day (BID).
    What do you find works best for you?
    Leon (site moderator

    1.  I currently am using Pro Air Respiclick, Albuterol Inhalation for Nebulizer, and Montekulast at night to help with the cough while sleeping.

    2.  Good morning T2DD, and welcome! I see you are a new member here, having joined today, much earlier in the morning. We are glad to see you already engaging with the community through these, your first four posts.
      We appreciate you sharing your current medication regimen (Pro Air, nebulized albuterol, and Montelukast0, with the community membership. DO you find this regimen keeps your asthma well controlled?
      Wishing you well,
      Leon (site moderator

  2. , It's delightful to engage with you again. I have created this forum to gather information about the best inhalers for asthma patients nowadays, as my friend is experiencing issues with them. He currently uses an albuterol metered-dose inhaler (MDI) prescribed by his doctor. Based on my past experience, I suggested that he consult an online doctor from Ongo Care, hoping he will receive the best advice for his condition. Thank you for sharing about the rescue inhaler, Advair Diskus.

    1.  Hi again, feliza - I was happy to share what I did about both the Advair Diskus and the rescue inhaler I currently use (albuterol). In many ways, that is a large part of what our online community is all about.
      It sounds like you have experience using the online physician service you suggested for your friend. Do you think that is more advantageous than the friend speaking with his own private physician?
      Leon (site moderator

  3. Having gone through many years trying to manage my asthma with different inhalers, ,  I find the best control with Symbicort as it contains both formoterol and budesonide and may be used as both a quick relief and a controller medicine. Hoping you've discovered one that works perfectly for you. Warm wishes and better days ahead - Rebecca (community moderator)

    1. Hi  I’ve tried a lot of different inhalers. I was diagnosed when I was 10 (i’m almost 18 now), it started as exercise induced asthma but it kept going worse, I have severe asthma now., I first tried ventolin, but then I began to take ICS and then ICS combined with LABA. Asthmanex twisthaler, seretide, relevar ellipta (low and high ones)…. I’m currently taking fostair 200/6, allergy shots and I tried xolair but i had an anaphylaxis so not an option rn. It’s not perfectly controlled but it’s the best option i’ve tried. I take 2puffs every 8h, It’s a lot. And also before exercise i take ventolin too.
      The thing is that I have many lung infections or bronchitis, almost every month I get something. I’ve been like this for more than 2yrs so now they’re running tests and considering a chronic bronchitis. So maybe there’s something else apart from the asthma that makes the meds not to work like they’re supposed to

      1.  Hi again, imjuuls, and thanks for weighing in here and lending your support for our fellow community member, . I am hopeful she will read your comment and shared experience, and have some ideas for herself.
        Wishing you well,
        Leon (site moderator

      2.  Thanks for responding to 's inquiry regarding inhalers. Seems you have been on quite the journey with your asthma symptoms and treatments. I am glad you have found something that works sufficiently as you go through the struggles of asthma along with monthly lung infections - it sounds terribly burdensome. Hoping you find answers soon regarding your conditions and that in the future you are able to breathe better. Warmly - Rebecca (community moderator)

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