I have severe obstructive asthma, which has got noticeably worse after a virus (pre covid) in 2019. My lung functions tests are quite dire, always have been, albeit I am as active as possible, still able to play tennis, go walking & do pilates etc but all with the help of my ventolin.
My normal PF is a dire 200. I am 61 & never smoked but my usual triggers are dust, chemicals, perfumes, smoke etc etc
At the moment I am just using spiriva & ventolin - the latter a lot.
I cannot take Singulair - it makes me so depressed & suicidal - which is such a weird thing since I am so lucky to not ever suffer depression etc normally.
The problem is is that all steroids, actually make my asthma worse after a few days use ie it brings on asthma attacks & my peak flow goes down to my red zone of 100 & then takes days to come back up after coming off the steroids.
With the inhaled steroids I have tried all, of them, in every possible combination. I have tried oral steroids 5mg a day for 10 days but then upping it to 10mg, the same thing happened, I spiralled downwards.
Doctors have a hard time believing me as they have never come across this before (I am in the Uk) - is there anybody on here who reacts in the same way or have ever heard of this happening?
Very frustrating as my asthma control is only going one way - all in the wrong direction!