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Fragrance free cleaning products UK

So, yesterday, while cleaning, I accidentally gave myself an asthma attack after hoovering and using heavily scented cleaning products.

I was wondering if anyone in the UK has any suggestions of where to buy fragrance free cleaning products that don’t cost the Earth and do clean well?

Bonus points if I can find them without having to brave the cleaning products aisle!

Many thanks in advance 😀

  1. Hi. That sounds like a tough situation. Sorry you had to experience that. And great question. Although I'm not in the UK, we've had discussions in our community about fragrance-free cleaning products that are better for asthmatics. Here's a link ( to a discussion right here in our forums. I hope you find it helpful! If, during your discussions and research, you discover other asthma-friendly cleaning products, please feel free to share them with us. Wishing you all the best. John, Community Moderator

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