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Lump in my throat.

Has anyone noticed anything dietary that has helped with the lump in the back of your throat? I've noticed if I limit my spicy and salty foods helps a lot for this wondering if anybody else has luck? I only take pulmicort twice a day and albuterol as needed of course so I have no idea about Spiriva or any of those how they affect it I just know that eating a cleaner diet helps.

  1. This is a tough one, Eric -- I think it depends a lot on your specific lifestyle and what's causing the lump in the first place. While we wait to see what others have to share, I do have a few basic thoughts. Do you cough when you eat? That can be common with asthma. Also, have you tried cutting out dairy? Many people here in the community have issues with mucus buildup and certain foods ... do you feel like that could be causing the lump? Any thoughts from your doc on this?

    Thanks for reaching out. Always good to hear from you! -Melissa, team

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