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Maintenance Medication is Critical

Our son Daryl didn't maintain his asthma with maintenance medication and on the evening of November 2 had a severe asthma attack resulting in cardiac arrest. He passed out at home and his fiancee performed CPR while waiting for the ambulance. When they arrived, they took over, were able to get his pulse back and rushed him to the hospital. He was sedated, on a ventilator, and had many tests done: MRI, EEG and medication to keep him comfortable. On November 11, the results of the tests came back with anoxic brain injury. He was without oxygen for 20 minutes and would not recover.

Daryl was removed from life support on November 14 around 3:20 PM and passed away November 15 at 12:04 AM. He was 35 years young! Sadly, he left behind 4 children, 16-3 years old and many family & friends that will forever miss him ❤️

I'm posting this so asthmatics are aware of what can happen. Please don't rely on your rescue inhaler alone.

  1. Oh, , what a tragic, tragic story! I am so sorry for the recent loss of your beloved son, Daryl. Please accept my sincere condolences and extend them to the rest of your family as well.
    Warmest regards,
    Leon L (author/moderator

    1. Thank you so much

      1. I am so sorry for your loss and cannot imagine how hard this must be for you and your family. It also must have been challenging to share his story with us, but know that by doing so you are spreading such vital awareness for how serious asthma can be. You are honoring Daryl so well and our community is grateful for you. Please know that we are always here to support you. ❤️ -Alexa ( moderator)

        1. Thank you ♥️

      2. My heart is with you. Thank you for your willingness to share with the community in the midst of your vulnerability and grief. I have no doubt that it will make a difference for someone that reads this, even if we never know. You are always welcome here with us. Take good care of yourself. -Melissa, asthma team

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