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My Severe Persistent Asthma.

I have severe persistent asthma and I see an allergist. I'm on multiple medications for it. Breztri for a controller, Airsupra for my rescue inhaler, DuoNeb, which is a medication that goes in my nebulizer, Fasenra pen I do every 8 weeks here at home and Montelukast at bedtime. My allergist has tried multiple medications in the past that didn't work so he recently put me on all of these a few months ago, except he's had me on Montelukast for years. I tried Xolair first in the past and it didn't help and then he put me on Tezspire and that didn't help so he ended up having to put me on Fasenra pen.
My asthma has gotten very uncontrolled, so my allergist is wanting me to see him 1x a month so he can get it well controlled again. I've seen a pulmonologist in the past as well and she had a very hard time getting it well controlled so that's when she referred me to an allergist and I was seeing both but we moved a little over a year ago and now I only see my allergist in his main office 40 miles away. Many years ago when I was 10 years old I was admitted in the hospital for 2 weeks in an oxygen tent, hooked up to oxygen and had to do my nebulizer 4 times daily because I nearly didn't make it and I am now going to be 43 in November. I have also have had multiple ER visits and doctor visits with my allergist. I'm also allergic to everything environmental so it's very difficult to avoid them. I used to do allergy shots but had 3 reactions and had to use my epi pen and go to the ER so my allergist and I agreed to stop them.
Sorry I forgot to mention my allergist has had me on Prednisone multiple times, Azithromycin 1 and Naproxen 1.

  1. Hi there! Thank you for taking the time to share your detailed asthma journey with the community. It sounds like you are doing everything you can to get your asthma controlled, but with little relief. Do you find that you have specific triggers that you have identified that perhaps set you off? Does your allergist have a plan of what to do over the course of these monthly appointments? Wishing you all the best, Lauren (team member)

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