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Neck itches

There are times when I’m busy doing something and my neck will start to itch and I’ll scratch. Not thinking what’s causing it, just continuing with my day. I hadn’t realized it was connected to my asthma until I read the article. Now I will keep a better eye on it to see what my triggers are. Thank you.

  1. Hi , and thanks for chiming in here. I see that you brought this topic up once before here for the community. For ease of reference, here is a link to that conversation:
    We appreciate that you brought it up again and, that an article you found here on, was of help to you as you work on determining what specifically your asthma triggers are.
    If there is anything we can do to assist you in your 'detective work', please let me or any other moderator/team member know. You are always welcome here in our online community.
    All the best,
    Leon L (author/moderator

    1. Hi there - Thanks for the update regarding your health and symptoms. So very glad that the article you reference clicked with you and you took notice of your symptoms. It's great to hear that you're becoming more aware of potential triggers for your asthma symptoms, including the itching in your throat. Asthma can be influenced by numerous factors, including environmental triggers like allergens, irritants, and even stress. Itching in the throat can sometimes be a symptom of asthma or may be related to allergic reactions or other respiratory conditions.

      Keeping track of when your symptoms occur, and any potential triggers can be helpful in identifying patterns and managing your asthma more effectively. You may consider keeping a symptom journal to record when you experience itching in your throat and any activities or exposures that precede it. This info can be valuable in discussing with your healthcare provider and developing a customized asthma management plan.

      Wishing you better days ahead and hoping the new years brings better wellness. Regards - Rebecca (community moderator)

      Please read our rules before posting.