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Newbie who hates using meds

I used to only have Asthma with colds, but now it seems to have settled in and will not leave. (I've had way too many times of pneumonia). But I tend to go the more natural route and I am wondering if there are better options than Albuterol (which I hate due to shakes, headache) to put in my nebulizer. I am reading up about glutathione and NAC and looking to see if anyone has experience with them. (Also what to say to my doctor to get such options).

  1. Hi "Texas" and welcome! I see you are a new member here having joined earlier today, late this morning. We are glad to see you are already engaging with the community through this, your first post.
    While I am hopeful others in the community will see your inquiry and respond by sharing their own personal anecdotal experiences, I also have something to contribute.
    There are, in fact, alternative therapies that some have used to treat asthma. These therapies meet with different levels of success depending on one's particular level of disease as well as their individual physiologic response to the therapy.
    I thought you might gain some additional insight from any of these articles which you find to be pertinent:
    Perhaps your physician is receptive to these types of suggestions. I would urge you to approach the topic directly and honestly (with the doctor), and see what the response is. Then, you can take it from there.
    What do you think?
    Leon (site moderator

    1. I wonder what is the reasoning on wanting to be on only a natural remedy? I understand albuterol isn't for everyone due to it's side effectives of shakiness and faster heart rate. I know xopenex is used for people that are sensitive to albuterol... I know RRT may have more knowledge in this section.

      1. Hi John - although I cannot answer on behalf of , I do have something to contribute. The simple answer (from my perspective) is, everyone is different. Some folks prefer seeing a medical doctor and being treated according to established protocols and practice when it comes to diseases, in this case, asthma. Still others try to avoid medications when possible. It can be a very personal decision with personal reasons as to why people prefer 'this' or 'that!'
        I think you do make a good point about the differences between Albuterol and Xopenex, and each one's respective side effects.
        Are you currently being treated for asthma?
        Leon (site moderator

    2. It's important to remember that every person is unique, and something that works for one person may not work for another.

      1. You are correct! 😀 That is one of our guiding principles here on the site -- everyone has their own preferences and treatment regimen, and we respect whatever choices are made. Thanks for this important reminder! -Melissa, team

    3. It's better to talk to your doctor about your concerns with Albuterol and ask for their advice on alternative options. They can provide the best guidance based on your specific health situation and medical history. If you still need medicine, I suggest ordering here for a reasonable price. Hope it helps you.

      1. Thank you for providing this important reminder to our community! We always recommend speaking with a doctor before making any changes to your treatment or care plan. Hope all is well with you! -Alexa ( moderator)

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