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Severe asthma and question about allergy shots

Hi a friend of mine is insisting that I get allergy testing since it appears I have allergic asthma (for ex. my asthma is better in Florida) although my asthma also goes crazy if I get even a cold. She is insisting that allergy shots might help my asthma. The Tezspire I recently started is working VERY well - albeit with side effects (joint and severe back pain) - not sure allergy shots would work any better, and at this point I am afraid to go off the Tezspire knowing I did so poorly after taking a 2 month break from the Tezspire shot - I ended up on round the clock nebs and oral steroids. From my understanding of allergy shots 1. I would prob have to stop the Tezspire for a bit to get tested (already a huge problem) and 2. it could take months or years to truly be helped by the shots. Also, although my asthma I do feel is allergy driven ( I don't have Eosinophilic asthma) I do get very bad asthma with any infection even a slight cold.
Other than learning allergy triggers I am not sure allergy testing would be beneficial since the Tezspire is addressing my asthma and allergies.
Thoughts? Thanks!

  1. Hi. That might indeed be an interesting discussion to have with your doctor. I was 50 when my asthma specialist recommended allergy testing (my current round of them). I did have to stop taking certain medicines prior to testing, although I think it is only for a week. Although, I am not sure about Tezspire. Thankfully I did not have any issues during that week. We chose a week during a time of year that is generally good for me, so that worked out. As far as how long it takes to get the full benefit of allergy shots: for me it was about 1.5-2 years worth of 1-2 shots a week. That's how long it took to get my maintenance dose. But the reason it took me so long was because I was allergic to many things. So, on this line, how long it takes depends on how many things you are allergic to. I have yet to determine if they are working. Although, I am feeling good this spring despite the pollen count being so high. I did write about my experience with allergy shots here ( I should probably write a part II not that I am at my maintenance. I do hope you find this brief response helpful. If you have any further questions for me on this topic feel free to ask anytime. Wishing you all the best. John. author/ community moderator

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