Hello,I'm from south London I like this great site,I've lived with asthma all my life,had various inhalers,from spin halers in the 70s,ventolin,becotide,and now symbercourt 200,I probably had the worst job as a plasterer,and from the age of 60 had recouring chest infections,this unfortunately made me retire at 65,I've been to the chest clinic as no antibiotics were working, they've discovered I have psudemonis and aspergillus,it's hard to get rid of and they talk of intravenous antibiotics,I actually feel ok,just a bit wheezy,I'm sure my building trade job was to blame,so now I'm retired the stress of working has gone,I've started taking various vitamins ect,b12, tumeric, lemon and ginger,bits...so maybe that's helped...I done some research today and basically found out that to much sugar can cause inflammation,I do have a sweet tooth,so..I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens if I stop eating chocolate, biscuits,and sweets..I'm optimistic .ps...why don't doctors and specialists tell us to cut out sugar?, thanks for reading,I hope your all ok.