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Understanding at last!

Finding this morning whilst in the middle of a big flare up has been revolutionary for me!
I do belong to a great site in the UK, but often find their way of writing and working a bit too clinical. Reading through posts and pieces here is so refreshingly clear @

  1. We are happy that you found our community and that you find our resources helpful. We also appreciate all your comments where you share your personal asthma experiences with us and for your questions. I see from your previous post that you are on 40 mg of prednisone. How you describe their effect on you is pretty much the same as how I experience steroids. How is your asthma doing today? Are you feeling better? John. community moderator.

    1. hi yes I will, thanks.

    2. Thanks so much, Seaspirit - we will look forward to hearing back from you when the time comes.

      Wishing you well,
      Leon (site moderator

  2. Welcome to the community! We are so happy you found us. I hope you continue to find comfort and understanding on our site - we have an amazing team of patient leaders who share their personal experiences living with asthma, as well as an engaged community that supports one another. If you have any questions on how to use the functions of the site or are looking for information on anything particular, please feel free to reach out! All the best, Alexa ( moderator)

    1. so glad to hear you are finding some connection & benefit from this community. I feel the same way! Thanks for joining the conversation. -Corinne, moderator

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