You’ve Had Asthma For How Long?!

You’ve had asthma for how long?! That’s the most common response I get when talking about my asthma. I’ve had asthma for 36 years. I was diagnosed when I was 2 after a lengthy hospital stay. When I was a kid, maintenance medications weren’t a big thing. It wasn’t until I was 20 years old that they found the right combination of meds so I could live a “normal life.” As a kid, I was in and out of the hospital and ER pretty frequently. I endured countless sleepless and breathless nights.

Fast forward to now... I am a happy asthmatic who has an amazing life! I’m a wife, a mama, and a paramedic! I’ve always got a rescue inhaler and nebulizer close by, but asthma doesn’t rule my life! If anything, it’s made me better at my job!!

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