Thank you. This is very helpful. I call it asthma flare up because it's not like an attack but I'm clearly being affected by symptoms. If I take the puffer immediately then I don't get an attack. If I wait too long the puffer doesn't help much and I'm sick for days sometimes. It's been hard recognising a tight chest because I also have hiatus hernia, gastroparisus, POTS and hEDS. So my chest is affected by all of these things. Like if I have a subluxed rib and don't know because it happened slowly so there's no pain but breathing is harder. I think I can recognise them all now though so I'm having the puffer quickly these days averting an attack. I need double preventor these days. And yes I do forget to take it. That article was relatable lol. Reading the wanting sign symptoms reminder dme if when I went it hospital but the revised to help because the runny nose to them wasn't a symptom (for me it very much is) but a virus. And I thought even if it was, viruses are an asthma trigger 🤦. I refuse to go to hospital anymore. they've not once helped me because I don't present how they think everyone should. So thanks again. This was helpful.