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What are your "Warning bells" of imminent asthma excabations?

For me, it's usually an itchy neck, tight throat and chest, and getting jittery and shaky
Does anyone else have "warning bells" before an asthma exacerbation?
Also, just to let the USA-based asthmatics know Apple disabled the pulse OX feature in Apple Watches S9 sold after 1/19/24. so if you want that, get a s8 or earlier apparently.
It was the main selling point for me. Getting a new iPhone 15 Pro instead so I can have great pictures and a Bluetooth-enabled pulse ox if they even make one.
It's one extra thing to carry but I can put it in the "inhaler pocket" of my backpack. Nothing i cant handle without my tech.

  1. Hi.  Welcome to our community. I see from your other posts here on that you are rather new to asthma. I personally have been dealing with this for quite a long time -- and am quite familiar with the early warning signs you mention. And, based on my own experience, wrote an article about my experience with itchy chin ( a few years ago. And as a result learned that (lo and behold) there are many here in this community who also experience this phenomenon. I also wrote a second article on this topic where I attempt to explain why this "might" happen ( It's neat (and sad at the same time) that our body's give us these early warning signs ( to let us know our body's are not happy and to remind us to to take swift actions to stave off a full fledged attack. Also, thank you for the warning about the "pulse OX feature in Apple Watches S9 sold after 1/19/24." This is good to know. Wishing you all the best. John. community moderator.

    1.   - Welcome! Great information you share. I think it's safe to say many individuals with asthma experience similar "warning bells" that alert them to potential worsening of symptoms. Although John left some articles, here are a few more links to articles here that can dive deeper into detail.

      Carrying extra tech items may seem inconvenient, but it's truly a proactive step in managing your asthma and ensuring you have the tools you need to stay healthy. It's unfortunate that the pulse ox feature has been disabled in newer models. It's understandable that this feature was important to you for monitoring your health. It's great that you're adapting by considering alternative options.

      As always, wishing you great health and wellness. Rebecca (team leader)

      1. Hi again,  and thanks for this latest post of yours. I see my good colleagues,  and , have already chimed in and shared some reference material with you. I do hope you find the information is helpful for you.
        I did notice that you posted something with a similar topic elsewhere on our platform several days ago. for which I and my colleague Melissa Arnold were able to provide a reply. For ease of reference, here is a link to that conversation: I also hope that you have an opportunity to look over that discussion, too!
        Warm regards,
        Leon L (author/moderator,

        1. Mine are itchy neck, excess saliva, sighing or yawning, extreme tiredness where I can’t keep my eyes open and excess thirst. I don’t get them all at the same time. I tend to get one of those before the tightness happens so I take the puffed the second one starts to prevent the tightness.

          1. Sounds like you are very aware of your body's triggers and symptoms. Do you try to keep your rescue inhaler with you at all times? -Lauren (team member)

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