Have I Got Eosinophilic Asthma?I have always considered myself a chronic asthmatic. My lungs have been under strain since I was a baby. I grew up sleeping in oxygen tents, using nebulizers, and all...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
The Parallels of Severe Asthma and (Apparently) Chronic PainFor more than a year and a half, I have had what is apparently, as I have been told, chronic pelvic pain. Just like shortness of breath—or dyspnea, the subjective...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Rotating Injectable MedicationsOver the last few years, I have been prescribed some different injectable medicines. I have never been afraid of needles, they just do not really bother me, so giving myself...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Do Asthma Triggers Change Over Time?As a teenager, I got together with a bunch of fellow asthmatic teenagers. This was back in 1985, during my stay at an asthma hospital. I was a patient there...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Asthma Awareness Month 2023: More Than My AsthmaMay is Asthma Awareness Month 2023! We know that living with asthma and managing symptoms can be exhausting, especially when contending with other health conditions at the same time. Our...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Paying to BreatheOne of our community members commented: “What frustrates me the most is paying to breathe.” And I have to say I agree with this. It is very frustrating when you...Reactions0reactionsComments24 comments
Finding a Support Person for Doctor AppointmentsPeople with chronic health conditions, like asthma, often face complex treatment plans and multiple doctor visits. Brain fog, fatigue, and problems concentrating can be frequent side effects too. That is...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
My Experience With Allergy Shots for AsthmaAs a kid, I endured at least 5 years of allergy shots. I started when I was 10 years old in 1980. Every Tuesday, Mom drove me to my doctor’s...Reactions0reactionsComments19 comments
Doing Hard Things: Patient MotivationI was recently surprised by a question that I was asked: “What motivates you as a patient?" It happened during a routine follow-up and I have to admit that for...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Preventing Re-Infection From an IllnessI wrote an article about how I am afraid of getting sick. Because when I get sick, my body is like “I got you! Let’s Go Big or Go Home!"...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Sometimes You Just Have to Stop and Enjoy What You HaveYou would be amazed if you could see my workstation this morning. I am sitting on a bench at Stearn’s Park in Ludington, Michigan. The lake is very calm this...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Blood Sugar Issues with SteroidsIt is no secret that steroids can wreak havoc on our bodies. I have been on and off of them for years. Sometimes my tapers drag on for months because...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Can Someone PLEASE Just Put a Darn Dose Counter on ALL of My Inhalers?At 12:10 am, I send the following text to Dia: "Omg I’ve had a cough/super mild shortness of breath for like...2.5 days... Guess who just realized her Qvar sounded like...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Useless Facts About My AsthmaI was diagnosed in 1972. I was 2 years old. That’s a useless fact I suppose you could go without hearing. Still, it’s relevant to me. I feel now that...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Chest Infections: No Good for My AsthmaAs all asthma sufferers are likely aware, by having this respiratory condition our immune systems are often weaker than the average person's. I know mine is. I have allergies too...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Afraid of Getting SickI really marvel at people who go about their lives, never worrying about getting sick. Our family has always had bad luck with respiratory infections. We are a family of...Reactions0reactionsComments27 comments
Tracking Asthma ChangesHave you ever been carrying on with life and then what feels like out of nowhere is an asthma attack? This happened to me recently and I was caught off...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
What I Wish My Doctors Knew About AsthmaTreating someone with an asthma diagnosis can be very convoluted, and even the best doctors do not always completely understand it, unless they are, perhaps, a pulmonologist. But not even...Reactions0reactionsComments13 comments
My Favorite Asthma MemoriesMom said I was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 2. So, that makes this year a huge year in my life. It marks my 50th anniversary of living...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
My Love/Hate Relationship with PrednisoneTo me, prednisone can be described in three words - wonderful yet wicked. Prednisone, or oral corticosteroids, is often prescribed for short periods. This usually happens during an acute flare-up...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments