Asthma Tests...To figure out whether you have asthma, your doctor looks at your symptoms, examines you physically, and has you take tests. The most common asthma test is spirometry. Spirometry tests...
Asthma Diagnosis...Doctors diagnose asthma using your symptom pattern, family history, physical exam, and test results. The exact process for figuring out whether you have asthma depends on your age and other...
Asthma Myths and Misconceptions...Asthma is a common condition. But many people do not understand certain things about asthma. Knowing more details about asthma can help you manage your symptoms. It can also help...
Complications...For many people with asthma, treatments can control symptoms. When asthma is well-controlled, you can enjoy daily activities. You can also reduce the risk of long-term complications (additional problems). However...
Understanding Asthma Research...When you or a loved one are living with a disease, research on that disease can become a huge area of interest for you. Research helps doctors learn more about...
Risk Factors...Most cases of asthma start during childhood as the immune system matures. Certain genetic and other risk factors may increase the risk of developing asthma. For example, exposure to allergens...
Managing Asthma While You Are Pregnant...If you are expecting a baby and you have asthma, you probably wonder how you can keep your asthma under control. You are not alone. About 4 to 8 percent...
Asthma Specialists...Many doctors may help you manage your asthma. Primary care doctors are usually the first to diagnose asthma. If your asthma is more severe, your doctor may refer you to...
Strong Emotions, Stress, and Depression...Strong emotions and stress are linked to asthma in many ways. Strong emotions can trigger asthma symptoms and asthma attacks. This may happen because of breathing changes, such as hyperventilation...
Asthma Irritants: Smoke, Pollutants, Perfumes, and More...Substances in the air can irritate the airways for people with asthma. These irritants can trigger asthma symptoms. This is sometimes called irritant-induced asthma. Irritants do not cause an allergic...
Medication-Related Asthma Triggers...Some medicines can worsen asthma or trigger asthma symptoms. These include: These are not the only medicines that can cause asthma symptoms. Talk to your doctor if you notice asthma...
Sinusitis/Upper Respiratory Infections...Viral respiratory infections are the most common cause of wheezing and asthma attacks, especially in children. Infections can cause asthma symptoms to develop or worsen. Preventing infections is nearly impossible...
Smoking...Tobacco smoke is a strong asthma trigger. This is true of both firsthand smoke (when you yourself are smoking) and secondhand smoke (when people are smoking around you). Both types...
GERD (Heartburn and Reflux)...Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition where stomach contents and acid go backward into the esophagus. While this happens to everyone occasionally, when this happens frequently it is called...
Exercise...Exercise is a common trigger of asthma symptoms. It often causes the airways to narrow, which leads to breathing problems. Usually, exercise is 1 of several factors that can trigger...
Outdoor Allergens, Pollution, and Weather...Identifying what triggers your symptoms is an important part of asthma management. Certain components of outdoor air can trigger symptoms of asthma. Common outdoor triggers include pollen, mold, pollution, and...
Indoor Air Quality...Many people spend most of their time indoors. Surprisingly, in some neighborhoods, indoor air has more pollutants than outdoor air. The air we breathe in our homes, schools, and workplaces...
Allergens...Allergens are common triggers of asthma symptoms for children and adults. Asthma triggered by allergies is called allergic asthma. Common allergens include: Allergens that cause a reaction for you may...
Asthma Triggers...Asthma is an ongoing (chronic) lung condition that causes airway inflammation. This leads to narrow airways and breathing problems. It also makes the airways more sensitive to allergens and other...
What Causes Asthma?...Asthma is a common chronic airway condition that leads to respiratory symptoms. It involves an immune response called airway inflammation. This leads to airway narrowing and swelling, both of which...